BeeCMS is a template based on pre-2010 has revamped the template handling early 2010. Since then, the newly introduced Template Designer has a lot of features which allow blog owners to easily and radically alter the design of their website.

DO NOT USE THE BEECMS TEMPLATE if you do want to use the great features Template Designer!!!
  1. Deleted and moved the 'footer' post-info paragraphes.

    Deleted the following paragraphes originally there from Nexus 5.
        <footer class='post-info'>
        <abbr class='published'>
          <b:if cond='data:post.dateHeader'>

        <address class='vcard author'>
    We moved the post.dateHeader part to the section class='footer'.
    Reasoning, Author names usually are not used in classic website styles. Therefore the "post" has been moved left as well.